Quick grammar of Esperanto


Every word in Esperanto is pronounced just as it is spelt, with each letter corresponding to a single sound. There are no silent letters. The stress is always on the penultimate a/e/i/o/u, for example, rapide (quickly) is spoken rah-PEA-deh.


There are no irregular verbs. All verbs (even esti = to be, havi = to have, iri = to go, and fari = to do/make) take the same simple declination: add -is -as -os -us -u or -i to the root (est- hav- ir- far-). This is illustrated in the following examples.


There are no word genders in Esperanto, and "the" is always "la". There is no word for "a", so Domo = A house = House. Plurals are always formed by adding -j.

Pronouns are short words ending in an i (li=he, ^si=she, ^gi=it). Objects are without exception formed by adding -n: La kato rigardas lin/^sin/^gin = The cat watches him/her/it.

Adjectives and adverbs

Asking questions

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Pa^go de Aaron D. Irvine.

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