If you have a www page and would like to make a link to a specific one of travlang's languages pages, you can do one of the following.
For example, this button:
will take you to the Portuguese for Travelers page and assumes that you already speak English.The button was produced by the following HTML code:
<FORM ACTION="http://www.travlang.com/languages/cgi-bin/langchoice.cgi"> <input type=hidden name=lang1 value=english> <input type=hidden name=lang2 value=portuguese> <input type=hidden name=page value="main"> <input type=submit value="Português for Travelers"> </form>
<A HREF="http://www.travlang.com/languages/cgi-bin/langchoice.cgi?lang1=english&lang2=spanish&page=main">Spanish for Travelers</a>
<A HREF="http://www.travlang.com/languages/arabic">Arabic for Travelers</a>
Always use the lowercase English name for the languages in the lang1 and lang2 values, as that is how they are indexed in my script (for example use finnish, and not suomea).
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