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Language Learning Software- Main Benefits and Product Options in the Market

The world is slowly but surely becoming much smaller, with the advent of global communication technology that allows rapid exchange of information. The way life has changed over the past few decades made it necessary for people to become more informed, by way of learning new languages in order to remain relevant and competitive in their chosen fields. Whether you are a student, burgeoning entrepreneur, or just someone who love to travel and explore the wide expanse of the world, learning a new language is indeed a worthy endeavor. The key to becoming multi-lingual is choosing the right language learning software, which does not only provide the best tools, but also allow a wonderful learning experience. Listed below are some of the benefits of using language learning software as well as brief information on some of the best programs in the market today.

Top Benefits of Using Language Learning Programs

Flexible Learning Schedule

Most people who decide to learn a new language are either fresh out of school or too busy to sit in a classroom n a regular basis. What language programs offer is the type of flexibility that allows people to learn without having to sacrifice certain aspects of their life, i.e. work or caring for family. Most language learning programs these days, especially those packages offered online, are designed specifically to allow people to study at their convenience.

Unlimited Access to Tools and Lessons

The best programs today are those that offer lifetime membership, and therefore, unlimited access to the language learning tools and lessons necessary to achieve fluency. Some packages offer a choice between strictly online access and downloadable materials such as CDs and/or eBooks. In some cases, user can also opt for 24/7 online access plus learning materials they can use offline. While this option is a bit more expensive, it has been proven effective as far as achieving mastery of any language. Some lessons, especially in the case of difficult languages, i.e. French, German, Italian, etc, are best understood if they are read and/or listened to repeatedly.

Mobile Learning

Traditional language acquisition methods would normally involve sitting through a course, which you need to make time for, or using bulky tapes in conjunction with a dictionary. With language software, you can choose to study whenever and wherever you feel like it. While most people prefer the confines of their home while learning a foreign language, others are more inclined to venture out. You might want to consider going to a coffee shop while listening to audio lessons, which is made possible by downloading the necessary files and uploading it to a compatible device, i.e. mp3 player. Having access to mobile learning tools allow for maximizing one's free time, which is always ideal for those who are otherwise busy with equally important tasks such as maintaining a day job or managing domestic life.

Fun Filled Learning Experience

The process of acquiring a new language can become stale or stagnant at some point, which more often than not eventually leads to boredom and the subsequent abandonment of the task. This can be effectively avoided by choosing to learn on your own by using language software and all the tools that come with it. Language related online games have become a very popular component of some of the best programs offered today. Many language experts believe that just as students learn better in the classroom through the use of games, people trying to learn a new language will also benefit from using a fun filled learning interface. Most of the games included in language learning packages are based on or pattered after actual online games, so that they are not only informative but also immensely enjoyable to users.

Cost Effective Learning

The prevailing price of online language courses these days ranges from $99 to $299. Compared to taking a class at a University or purchasing language tapes and books, choosing language software is by far the smarter and cheaper alternative. More and more people are realizing the fact that they are better off using online resources, as they can save more money and learn faster as well. The best language software is one that has been carefully outlined and detailed, so that only the most essential aspects of the language are included in every lesson.

How to Find the Best Language Learning Software

First time buyers should know right away that not all language-learning packages are created the same. In order to find the best product, you will need to do a bit of work, starting with looking up language software reviews online. Some packages are highly lauded by language experts as well as actual customers, and they are quite easy to find since many testimonials and favorable reviews are written about such products. Comparing software specifications is also very important as it provides customers with an idea as to what they can expect from each product. Some programs do not provide for some features, so you have to be thorough when it comes to making product comparisons in order to find the best.

Here is four of the most popular language software available today:

Rocket Languages

Among all four, this is often touted as the most effective and user-friendly language program. It offers comprehensive lessons and online as well as offline tools (games included), that allow people to learn new languages in such a short period. Check out the reviews here.

Rosetta Stone

This program offers about 30 different languages from all over the world and uses the immersive technique of learning. While this program presents seemingly easy and comprehensive lessons, it is widely criticized for its lack of content value and English translations. This software works best on those who have prior knowledge of the language they are trying to learn, and are only looking to become more fluent. Check out the reviews here.


This language program is conceived and developed by Dr. Paul Pimsleur, who is a world-renowned linguistic expert. The learning process is built around traditional methodology, which is a bit outdated but still very effective as far as producing results. The main technique used by this language program is Gradual Interval Recall, which is a theory created and later proven by Dr. Pimsleur himself. The lessons are 100% audio based, which makes Pimsleur perfect for everyone, especially visually impaired individuals. Check out the reviews here.

Transparent Language

This software offers extensive content and resource materials, making it perfect for those who want to gain intimate knowledge of the language they have chosen to learn. On the downside, its interface is a bit hard to comprehend so it takes some getting used to before getting the hang of the program. Check out the reviews here.

With all these choices in language learning software, there is no reason why you should not become multi-lingual. It all boils down to what you are most comfortable with, and how much time and money you are willing to invest in such endeavor.