Ludlow Castle – A Perfect Place To Visit
The Ludlow Castle is one the Norman citadels that was erected along the Marches. This fort was fabricated at a superior cynical location that has some abrupt undulations in its northern sides. At its west it overlooks at the River Teme and Corve. Even though the

precise date of this creation is still not known, yet it is supposed as the earliest edifices of the country. The curtain wall of the interior bailey, four contiguous towers and also the parts of the chalet keep have been dated of the tardy 11th century. At the time of the premature 12th century this gatehouse was elongated and transformed into a four storey keep.
The place has the living foyer and a clandestine solar. The Norman windowpanes can be noted from the top of the unique center of this castle. In the later half of the 15th century this castle was blocked and the fresh entrance dome was constructed at the neighborhood of the curtain wall. The castle was rebuilt at its north and the floors of the hall were reconstructed. The interior of the hall created rooms were lightened by the sun rays that penetrated trough the large windowpanes.
A splendid instance of the Norman chapel has endured in the part of the Ludlow Castle. The chapel of the St. Mary is considered to be the earliest built in the 12th century. It has a rounded nave which is accompanied by the extended rectangular conduit. Although a great modification has taken place in the fort since years but it is great to view the original pieces of the art that still exist in the citadel. Spaced out of the chapel there is an instance of the rounded arrangement at the Ludlow Castle. The Mortimer’s Tower was erected in the 13th century on the western periphery.
For the early 200 years this citadel in England was possessed by the De Lucy family and after that it was handed over to the Mortimer. Later this castle became a property of the regal family. The period of next 350 years it served as the bastion was known as the Royal palace. But it fell into the condition of putrefy in the 18th century. From that point in time the citadel was quite fortunate to get the heed of the Earls of Powis. They have really worked hard in preserving this fort by the continuous restoration work.
I hope that you will surely visit this romantic and quixotic ruined turret in the near moments of your life.