Camps Bay – A Synonym of Real Natural Beauty and Grandeur
There are a large number of tourists who simply love to enjoy their holidays in the lapse of nature. There are numerous natural tourist attractions which are located in different parts of the world. These attractions may be beaches, mountains, waterfalls or naturally

shaped structures. Well if you are also looking out for a perfect natural vacation spot where you can easily avail yourself with mental peace and relaxation, then you must read this article once. This article contains some essential facts related to the grand Camps Bay of South Africa. I am sure that this article will prove out to be very helpful to you.
The grand Camps Bay is located in the Cape Town of South Africa. It is a prosperous suburb and community of Cape Town. The grand Camps Bay is a beach and it attracts a large number of tourists from all across the world during the summer season. Tourists from different parts of the world as well as the local residents of South Africa mostly opt for these exotic and majestic beaches so that they can easily enjoy their holidays with their family members in the lapse of nature.
The grand Camps Bay is very much famous and well, renowned for its white colored sandy beaches which are well enhanced with trendy nightlife and beautiful palm trees.
Gringqhaique and San were the first residents of the Camps Bay. The grazing lands which were sited in the South East hemisphere of the Table Mountain were lost by the Gringqhaique and later on, they were restricted on this beach. The population of Gringqhaique was reduced on a large scale by measles and smallpox in the year 1713. In the year 1884, Thomas Bain was ordered to construct a road from the sea point to the Camps Bay with the help of trained labors. This road was completed in the year 1887 and it was named as the Victoria Road.
The Victoria Road allowed most of the people to cycle out to the Camps Bay. The construction of the Camps Bay further lead to the construction of the tidal pools, a pavilion for concerts and shows and a Rotunda which is a famous Bay Hotel. There are various restaurants which are sited near the Camps Bay.
These royal restaurants are the major attractions for the tourists of this exotic beach. Many beach front cafes, loungers and umbrellas are easily available in the Camps Bay and you can easily hire them at a reasonable price.
The grand Camps Bay is really an exotic and outstanding natural attraction for the tourists. Make sure that you do not miss this exotic natural tourist attraction during your next vacations.