Historical Beauty That Would Mesmerize Your Senses- Angkor Wat

Historical Beauty That Would Mesmerize Your Senses- Angkor Wat

For every traveler it is a dream come true to visit a place that is blessed with classical beauty and a rich historical culture. Angkor Wat is one of the most amazing and truly

Ankor Wat Temple

dazzling places of this world that would really mesmerize your senses. This place is the most famous complex in Angkor, Cambodia.

This temple complex was constructed by the great king Suryavarman II. The constructed work started in the early 12th century and it continued for four centuries. For many centuries it was hidden by thick forests and was abandoned by the kings. It was rediscovered by a Frenchman and now it has gradually become one of the most exotic and artistic site on this earth.

The place has rare beauty and ambiance that attracts thousands of tourists all around the year.

Architectural Style
This temple was dedicated to Hindu God Vishnu by the Khmer kings and it truly represents the classical and appealing Khmer architecture. Angkor Wat temple is highly renowned in Cambodia that is why it also appears on the national flag of this beautiful nation. The temple is constructed with mainly sandstone, laterite and other materials. Various famous archeologists have also compared this temple to the famous castles of Europe.

Key Features of the Temple
The temple is designed keeping in mind the South Indian Hindu architecture. This complex has a temple mountain and other key features like the galleried temple and Jagati. The temple was made keeping in mind the Mount Meru which is believed to be the home of Hindu Gods.


Angkor Wat is known all around the world for its classical decorations and descriptive structures. Inside the temple you will find most of the walls covered with scenes that depict some chapters from the great Hindu epics, The Ramayana and The Mahabharata. Various famous battle scenes are also depicted on the walls. One great scene is depicted on the eastern gallery wall of this temple. This scene shows the “Churning of the Sea of Milk” with 92 asuras on one side and 88 devas on the other side.

The Present Condition of The Temple
After being rediscovered, the temple has gained immense popularity all around the world. Conservation efforts are still going on in various parts of the temple. The temple areas which were in extremely poor condition due to deterioration and natural erosion are now being restored.

I am sure visiting this truly marvelous and historically remarkable place would surely be a wonderful experience for you.

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