Cuillin – A Spectacular Sequence of Hills

Cuillin – A Spectacular Sequence of Hills

Scotland provides some of the most exotic and outstanding attractions to its tourists. More than 45%of the tourists of the tourists from all across the world love to visit this land of attractions every year during their holidays. There are numerous destinations which are densely crowded in different parts of Scotland. You can explore various new and

Cuillin Hills

unrevealed facts which lie behind the walls of the primordial monuments of Scotland. Well further in this article, we are going to discuss about the famous Cuillin Hills which are one of the major attraction for the tourists of this country.

The grand Cuillin Hills are also known as Cuillin. It is a series of high Rocky Mountains which are positioned in the Isle of Skye in Scotland. These Cuillins are also known as the Black Cuillin in order to distinguish them from the Red Hills which are located in Glen Sligachan. The Red Hills are lesser in height as compared to the Black Cuillins. They are less rocky and they are also comprised with less scrambles or climbs as compared to the Cuillins or the Black Cuillin.

Some of the major features of the Cuillin Hills which make it out of the ordinary from other monuments of Scotland are listed below.

1. Black Cuillin

The Black Cuillins are the major part of the Cuillins. These sub hills are mainly composed of gabbro and basalt. The Black Cuillin is one of the toughest rocks and it provides a great help to the mountaineers. The dark colour of its main constituent gabbro is mainly reflected and it is because of the dark colour that this Black Cuillin receives its name. Black Cuillins are also enhanced with Sgurr Alasdair which is the highest point of the Cuillins. it is about 992 meters high.

Several routes are being provided in the Black Cuillins and this proves out to be very helpful to the scramblers. The inaccessible Pinacles is the only rock which offers easy climb to its scramblers whereas rest of the rocks of the Black Cuillins requires rock climbing skills. The Black Cuillins do not contain any kind of water resource. Adequate amount of water has to be carried by the visitors.

2. Red Hills
The Red Hills are also known as Red Cuillins. These hills are composed of granite rather than gabbro. The highest point of the Red Cuillins is the Glamaig which is one of the corbetts of this hill. The Red Hills have now weathered into rounded hills.

So these are some of the necessary facts and figures related to the Cuillins of Scotland. Make sure that you enjoy this exotic landmark during your next vacations.

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