Edinburg Castle – A Home to the Unrevealed Mysteries
If you are planning to reveal out some of the interesting facts related to the ancient times, then you must immediately pack up your bags and rush to the shores of Scotland which is very popular all across the world for its ancient castles and palaces. Today, Scotland is one

of the most visited places of the world because it is densely crowded with a large number of historic palaces and castles. Scotland is the largest metropolises of the United Kingdom which is full of unrevealed facts related to the medieval periods.
Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland which is very much famous as the home to a large number of ancient castles and landmarks. The Edinburgh Castle which is sited at the centre of the city is the one and only marvelous piece of structure which remind us of the well skilled ancient architecture. It is believed that the Edinburgh Castle was build up during the 12th century after the Scottish war. The castle was build up during the royal residence of King David I. This ancient castle proved to be the home for the royal families till the middle of 16th century.
It is still believed that the Edinburgh Castle proved out to be a site of conflict for most of the wars related to the Scottish independence. The most interesting fact related to this ancient and historic Edinburgh Castle is that this castle was constructed by the craters of the volcano. This ancient castle comprises so many historical facts that no other castle can compete with it. The Edinburgh Castle clearly highlights the Edinburgh sky laps and the pleasurable atmosphere of Scotland.
The Edinburgh Castle is sited at the centre of the city and divides Edinburgh into two parts: one part comprises of the New Town which includes the densely populated Prince Street where as the other part comprises of the Old Town which includes the famous and the primordial Holy rood Palace.
Apart from being the royal palace for the high class families of Scotland, Edinburgh has also been the fortress and it has also served the role of military garrison. During the 16th century, Edinburgh Castle has also served as the state prison for the criminals of Scotland. Today, most of the visitors are still attracted by the ornamental architecture and unusual design of this castle.
The castle is open for the tourists almost every day and you can visit this castle by simply buying a ticket which is available at a reasonable price. So if you visit Edinburgh and fail to visit this exotic castle, then I am sure that you have missed out an immense approach.
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