Spanish Steps in Rome – A Blend of Admirable Architectural Skills
We all know this fact very well that Rome is comprised up of numerous historical and primordial monuments and landmarks. At the present, Rome is considered as the city

which is full of iconic landmarks and milestones. These momentous and significant landmarks of Rome represents this beautiful and out of the ordinary city all across the world. Rome is densely populated with ancient churches, castles and palaces which in turn prove out to be a major attraction for the tourists of Rome from all over the world.
Further in this article, we are going to discuss about the famous and renowned Spanish Steps which is a very popular sign post of Rome. It attracts a large number of visitors from all across the world because it is completely enhanced with ancient architectural skills and out standing splendor. These Spanish Steps were constructed by the French invaders which are at the present proving out to be the most delightful thing for the tourists. The Spanish Steps are totally contrary to what the name implies. Some people who have not visited Rome thinks that it is merely a stair case, nothing else but the Spanish Steps have today proved out to be one of the chief attractions of Rome for the tourists.
This monumental stair ways of 138 steps was build up during the 18th century by the French invader Etienne Gueffier. These steps were built up in between 1723 and 1725 under the influence of French diplomat. These Spanish Steps consist of concave and rectilinear steps accompanied with curvilinear ramps, convex ramps and concave ramps. This fine piece of structure begins at the famous Piazza De Spagna and slants in the upwards direction towards the Piazza Trinnita Dei Monti and Trinnita Church.
Some of the renowned attractions for the visitors which are comprised with the Spanish Steps are:
- Barcaccia Fountain by Bernini which is very much famous for its pleasurable beauty and light effects.
- It is one of the most admired viewing spot for the visitors. The facades of Bernini and Borromini are also a chief attraction which is comprised within the exotic beauty of Spanish Steps. The 17th century column which is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception is also one of the best things to see here.
- Pallazzeto Zuccari which is referred as a house of monsters is also one of the thrilling places to see.
So whenever you come to Rome, do not forget to visit the Spanish Steps. It is really an interesting place full of ancient architectural skills and other pleasured attractions.