Baffin Island – A Blend of Natural Majesty and Dignity
Most of the people love to enjoy their holidays in the lapse of nature. There are a lot of holiday destinations all around the world which are completely enhanced with natural

beauty and splendor but searching for a perfect vacation spot is really a tough work for every one. If you are also searching out for a suitable holiday destination where you can make your vacations memorable, then you must surely read this article once. You will get a lot of help from this article in finding a perfect holiday destination for yourself.
The grand Baffin Island which is located in the Nunavut of the Canadian territory is one of the major attractions for the tourists from all across the world. You can enjoy the mesmerizing natural beauty and splendor of this exotic island. The famous Baffin Island is the largest member of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The great Baffin Island is the largest island of Canada and it comprises the fifth position in the world among the grand islands of the world. This great island encloses an area of about 507451 km2 which is almost equal to 195,928 sq miles. This Grand Island is named after William Baffin who was the famous English Explorer of the ancient times. This island has a population of about 11000 people.
The grand Baffin Island is located in the South Eastern part of Iqaluit which is the capital city of Nunavut. This island was earlier known as the Frobisher Bay because it is located near this bay. The famous Hudson Strait lies to the South of this island which separates it from the mainland of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. This island is a major part of the Arctic Cordillera Mount Odin. The great Baffin Island is very famous for its impressive cliffs and spectacular mountains which are sited in the deep valley of the Akshayuk Pass. The island is surrounded with the Baffin Bay and the David Strait in the East and the Gulf of Bothia in the North which adds enough charm to its beauty.
Touching the Southern parts of this island are the Nittiling Lake and Amadjuak Lake. Tourists from all across the world visit this mesmerizing spot because it is comprised up with many wildlife attractions. Polar bear, Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare and Arctic Wolf are some of the chief arctic species which can be easily noticed in these islands.
This mesmerizing place is totally entailed with natural beauty and splendor and I am sure that you will have a great time in these islands.