Lighthouse Of Alexandria – A Historical Travel Attraction In Egypt
You must have visited several historical monuments worldwide. But only a few of them must have appealed to you. Further in this article we are going to talk about a historical

monument, Lighthouse Of Alexandria. It is definitely a hotspot amongst the tourists from all over the world. So, if you are looking to plan your holidays to an exclusive holiday spot then this is the right place for you. Traveling abroad is always a great fun. Everyone loves to travel along with his/her family members. I would like to provide you some information regarding this great holiday attraction.
Before delving further in to the topic, let us first understand a few essential things regarding the history of Lighthouse Of Alexandria. Well, it is a huge tower built on an island named Pharos in Egypt. For this reason, it is often regarded as Pharos of Alexandria. Its origin dates back to around 247 BC. This tower was built mainly to guide the ships in to their respective harbors during the hours of darkness. The height of this structure is about 14o meters.
You would be amazed to know that this establishment was once included in the list of ancient wonders of the world. Yes, it is definitely a popular structure when it comes to hot travel attractions. It has been named after Alexander the great. It was the first lighthouse worldwide. This makes it really exclusive and unique. One of the most amazing features of this light house was a mirror positioned inside it that could reproduce a light effect in excess of 35 miles. This feature makes this place a must visit for all of us.
In ancient times, it was said that the mirror placed in this lighthouse was used to destroy and burn the enemy ships marching towards this place. I must tell you that the design of this structure was absolutely different from rest of the wonders of the world. This lighthouse was built by using three different parts. So, if you want to visit a historical and mysterious place then you got to be here as quickly as possible.
This was some of the related information regarding Lighthouse of Alexandria. You can contact your travel agent now to book your holidays. Make sure you read this article carefully. It could definitely provide you some help. Have fun and enjoy your vacations!
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