Hershey Park – A Man Made Heaven
I enjoyed my last vacations with my family members on the famous Hershey Park which is located in the United States of America. I really had a great a time there. The park is completely entailed with adventures and enthrallment. So if you are also looking out for a perfect vacation spot where you can enjoy some grand moments with your family

members, then you must really read out this article carefully. The famous Hershey Park of United States Of America is one of the most visited amusement parks of the world. This park is visited by more than 2 million tourists as well as local residents.
The Hershey Park is located in the Pennsylvania City of the United States of America. It is sited near the Hershey Park Chocolate Factory. This amusement park was established in the year 1907 as one of the largest leisure park of the world. The park encloses an area of about 60 hectares and it comprises about 60 thrilling rides and attractions. This famous amusement park includes the ZOOAMERICA which is an adjacent zoo of America. The entry into this theme park includes the entry into this zoo also. You can buy the tickets which are available at a reasonable price. The adventurous rides of this park can be enjoyed with the help of all day passes or the ticket book which is available at the main entry of this park. This famous park contains some of the themed areas which can be enjoyed by the tourists.
Some of them are mentioned below.
1. Founders Circle
This themed area of the amusement park was established on 2005. It comprises of some of the best thrilling rides and adventures like Turbulence, the giant wheel, the double ferries wheel Starship America and Balloon Flight. Water rides like Scrambler and Founders Circle are also included in this park.
2. Rhine Land
It is the first established theme area of this park which is situated just behind the park gate. This themed area does not contains any of the attractions like amusing rides but it contains a wide range of gift shops. These shops are enriched with out of the ordinary gifts of all types. Rhine Land also contains the famous family Pizzeria.
3. Comet Hollow
This themed area was established during the construction of this park and it is named after the oldest roller coaster of this park which is being operated from many decades.
This was all about the famous Hershey Park of United State of America. You can surely make your vacations memorable with its adventures.