Mackinac Bridge – A Brilliant Piece of Engineering
In the world of grand bridges of the world, the great Mackinac Bridge of the United States of America has stolen away the attention of the tourists from the last many years after the construction of this grand monument was over. This grand suspension bridge is one of the largest suspension bridges of the world. Most of the tourists from all across the world love to enjoy their holidays in the midst of the exotic views of this man made structure. Well, if

you are also planning to enjoy some memorable moments with your family members on this bridge, then you must read this article. Further in this article, I am going to discuss about some of the basic facts and figures related to the Mackinac Bridge.
This suspension bridge of the United States of America widely spans over the Straits of Mackinac and connects it with the peninsulas of the Michigan. The foundation for the construction of this bridge was laid in the year 1880 and it was formed after many years of struggle in its construction. The exotic and out of the ordinary structure of this grand bridge was designed by the David Bb Steinman. The grand Mackinac Bridge of the United States is the longest bridge of the Western Hemisphere.
After many years of the construction of this man made structure, this grand bridge was opened for the common public on 1st November, 1957. After the year of the construction of this bridge, it was declared as the longest bridges of the world between the anchorages. The bridge extends to a length of about 2626 meters which makes it the longest suspension bridge of the Western Hemisphere.
The grand Mackinac Bridge is comprised with only two gigantic towers. The main span section of the bridge extends to a length of 3800 feets. The Mackinac Bridge is the third largest bridge of the United States of America on behalf of its longest span section.
The bridge is greatly supported with the help of alloy cables which are pretty strong and they provide a stronger base to the major span section of the bridge. These alloy cables are supported with the help of two gigantic towers. You can easily enjoy the grand view of the straits of Mackinac through this bridge. It is really a spectacular view to look at this suspension bridge from a distance.
So these are some of the basic aspects related to the grand Mackinac Bridge. Make sure that you visit this exotic man made structure during your vacations.
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