Ostankino Tower – Worlds Largest Free Standing Structure
Most of the people love to explore some new and grand monuments which are located in different parts of the world. There are a number of man made structures sited in various places of the world and a large number of tourists enjoy their leisure times in the lapse of

these exotic monuments. Well if you are also searching for a perfect vacation spot where you can have a lot of fun and enjoy some grand moments with your family members, then you must read this article once. Here in this article, I am going to discuss about some of the essential facts and figures related to the Ostankino Tower.
The grand Ostankino Tower is one of the major attractions for the tourists of Russia. People from all across the world love to spend some grand moments in the lapse of this gigantic structure. The grand Ostankino Tower is located in the grand Moscow City of Russia. This grand tower is the only free standing radio and television tower which is sited in Moscow. The height of this grand man made structure is 540 meters and currently it is the largest tower of Europe.
The Ostankino Tower of Moscow is the 4th tallest structure of the world and it is also a member of the World Federation of Great Towers. This gigantic free standing structure was designed by Nikolai Nikitin. This grand tower is named after the Ostankino district of Moscow in which it is located and it is also the first free standing structure of the world that exceeded a height of 500 meters.
The construction of this grand structure was started in the year 1963 and it took about 4 years for the completion of this tower. The grand Ostankino Tower was completed in the year 1967. Due to the grand height of 540 meters, this tower surpassed the famous Empire State Building and became the largest free standing structure of the world. This grand tower created a desire for the other dominated and large countries to construct high towers. After some years of the construction of Ostankino Tower, the enormous height of this tower was surpassed by the famous CN towers and Burj Khalifa.
The grand and stunning Ostankino Tower of Moscow encloses an area of 15000 meters square. This gigantic free standing structure was mainly constructed for the observation purpose, telecommunication purpose and tourism. The Ostankino Tower comprises of 11 elevators.
Well, these are some of the necessary facts related to the Ostankino Tower of Moscow. Make sure that you visit this spectacular monument during your vacations and have a lot of fun.