Trim Castle – A Center Of Feudal Power
The Trim Castle in Ireland is the leading and largest Anglo – Norman citadel present in Ireland. It was erected over a period of thirty years by Hugh de Lacy and his lad Walter. He was approved with the freedom of meth by the King Henry II in the year 1172 in the

attempt of restraining the expansionist policy planned by Richard de Clare. The erection of this colossal fortress with three stories was started in the year 1176 on the site of the earlier stilled fort. This enormous twenty – sided tower which is circular in shape was prevented from the ditch, curtain wall and moat.
The site of this fortress was chosen because it is on the raised ground, and overlooks the fording point on the river Boyne. This is the chief citadel in the ancient medieval priestly and the regal site. The distance of this citadel from the Irish Sea is nearly 25 miles. In the late medieval period, the citadel served as the place for admiration for meth and marked the exterior northern edge of the Pale. In the 16th and the 17th century the importance of this castle was inclined. But even at that point of the time this spot was very important for the military. The declining importance of this fort led to the defoliation of this castle. In the 15thg century the parliament of Ireland met in the Trim Castle for seven times. The reconstruction of this citadel was done at the time of the Cromwellian war in the early years of 1640s.
After the war the castle was contracted to the Wellesley family who enjoyed the possession over this castle until the Arthur Wellesley – the Dike of the Wellington retailed it to the Leslies.
How To Get In The Citadel
The Trim Castle is opened for its visitors on a payment of a diffident entry fees. The public can access in this fort at any day in the period of Easter Saturday to Halloween. The castle opens at 10 am. The area inside the citadel is accessible if you pay a small entry fees. You can visit the entire castle in just 45 minutes, provided that a guide accompanies you! In the winter season the structure is opened for the visitors only on weekends or the bank holidays. If you take the option of a guided tour then the guide can make you aware of the historical graffiti hung on few barricades. Some of these are as old as the period when this castle was constructed.
I ensure you that you will have a great time in the lapse of history of Ireland.