An Emblem of Sacrifice – Arc De Triomphe in Paris

An Emblem of Sacrifice – Arc De Triomphe in Paris

If you are planning to spend your next vacations with your family members in Paris, then you must have surely made a long list of some of the famous places to visit in Paris. Eiffel

Arc De Triomphe

tower, Champs Eleysees and other worldwide popular landmarks would be unquestionably comprised up in your list. If you are interested to enhance your trip with adventurous and historic memories, then this article is really meant for you. Further in this article, we are going to discuss about the most legendary representative mile stone of Paris.

Arc De Triomphe is one of the most attractive landmarks for the tourists from all across the world. It is one of the most visited ancient monuments of Paris and the most preserved mile stone of Paris. Arc De Triomphe lies at the western part of the Champ Eleysees Street which is recognized as the most fashionable street of Paris. Arc De Triomphe was built up during the 1830’s when King Louis Phillippe was ruling over Paris. This arc was build up in order to celebrate the grand victory of Napoleon Bonaparte. The arc is comprised of ornamental decorations and skilled designs which clearly highlights and represents the tradition and culture of Paris.

The famous Arc De Triomphe consists of a stair ways of 300 steps leading to the top of this arc. It is really full of effort for the tourists to reach at the top of this arc but due to health problems, if the visitors are unable to climb at the top of this monument, then lifts and elevators facilities are available for them. The top of this arc provides a stimulating and worthy to be appreciated natural view of the exotic Paris city. Visitors can over view the furthest end of Champ Eleysees and on the other side of this arc; tourists can have a grand look of the splendid arch.

The famous Arc De Triomphe is the second largest arch of the world. It was built to pay a sincere tribute to all the French soldiers who died in the Norwegian war which was fought during the midst of the 17th century. This arch also comprises of the tomb which was built in the memory of the unknown soldiers who sacrificed their lives in World War I and World War II.

The Arc De Triomphe is one of the patriotic monuments of Paris and a stunning piece of architecture. So just make sure that you don’t miss this spectacular sign post during your visit to Paris.

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