Aalborg Zoo – A Fun And Recreation Center For Kids

Aalborg Zoo – A Fun And Recreation Center For Kids

Aalborg Zoo as the name indicates is located in the Aalborg city of Denmark. It is considered to be one of the most wonderful areas. The zoo is the integral part of the Aalborg Park and it is visited by thousands of visitors every year. The main aim of creating the zoo

Aalborg Zoo

was to preserve the nature and the animal species that are threaten and can extinct.

The zoo is a very large one that is spread in an area of nine acres consisting of about 1200 animals and 138 species. Though the zoo is run by the government but still there is a fee charged for visiting the zoo. When this zoo was created it was the first ever zoo in the world that got ISO certification from the environmental and the safety management. Outside the zoo there’s a parking lot which can accommodate about 500 vehicles.

Apart from the different kinds of animals the zoo is very popular for the giraffes. Though there are less giraffe in the zoo but is the most attracting feature for the tourists. There are about eight species of the Rothschild giraffe while the twelve of them are wild. It is really a fascinating experience to watch them because they are rarely found in zoo.

The zoo consists of green forest which is spread in several acres of land.  The green environment helps in providing fresh air to the animals and also to the visitors. There are tall trees in the zoo which gives an amazing look to it. The backgrounds are like the beautiful backdrops that serve both as beauty feature and also as a source or recreation. Thus one can enjoy the nature’s beauty here along with the wildlife.

Also you can spend some time in the zoo roaming around and watching the activities of the animals.  The trip to the Aalborg zoo can be completed in about four to five hours. Inside the zoo there are restaurants where you can have your lunch and enjoy different food varieties. Apart from visiting the zoo there are perfect accommodation facilities that are budgeted and also reasonable in price. You don’t have to go anywhere but they are located just outside the Aalborg Zoo.

So if you are still thinking about making your holidays a fantastic experience then you will have to visit this zoo at least once. It is altogether a fun filled attraction which has so must enrolled for its visitors. Thus have a lifetime experience and enjoy your journey.

1 Comment for “Aalborg Zoo – A Fun And Recreation Center For Kids”
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