Hot Water Beach – Enthrall Yourself with the Natural Water Springs
People from all across the world love to enthrall themselves with pleasure of natural beauty and splendor. There are a large number of natural attractions which are well enhanced with exotic and spectacular natural beauty and magnificence. These attractions are one of the major attractions for the tourists from all across the world. People love to

avail themselves with natural calmness and mental peace through these natural attractions.
Well if you are also looking out for a perfect natural vacation spot where you can easily spend some beautiful moments of your life with your family members and if you love to make your holidays memorable, then you must read this article once. This article of mine contains some essential facts related to the grand Hot Water Beach of New Zealand.
The sprawling Hot Water Beach is one of the major tourist attractions for the visitors of New Zealand. This grand beach is located in the Eastern Coast of the Coromandel Peninsula of New Zealand. This grand beach is located at a distance of 12 kilometers from the South East section of Whitianga and it is sited at a distance of 175 kilometers from Auckland.
This grand beach side is comprised up with numerous hot springs which are located between the areas of high and low water tides and these hot springs easily filter up the sand of this beach. More than 130000 tourists from all across the world as well as the local residents of New Zealand visit this grand beach every year. The Hot Water Beach of New Zealand is one of the most famous geothermal attractions of the world.
The water of this beach is very hot as compared to other beaches. The temperature of water of this beach is nearly equal to 64 degrees. The natural springs that are present on the off shores of the Hot Water Beach is the major attraction for the tourists. Visitors usually make small pool from the excavating sand of this grand beach in order to collect the water sprouting up from the natural springs.
The grand Hot Water Beach of New Zealand also offers many recreational and adventurous beach side sports to its visitors. Surfing, beach volleyball and swimming are some of the major attractions for the visitors of this beach. The best time to visit this beach is during the winters because the water of this beach is really very hot as compared to other beaches.
Well, the grand Hot Water Beach of New Zealand is really a perfect natural attraction for the tourists. Make sure that you do not miss this adventurous vacation spot on your next holidays.